Soapmaking inspiration can strike anywhere. Sometimes you’re stuck in traffic, waiting for an appointment or idly daydreaming about your next soaping session when the idea for the perfect recipe hits you. You may not be near a computer, but chances are you probably have your phone on you. That’s where Bramble Berry’s Soap App comes in handy! We released an iPhone version last year, but now Android users can get in on the fun too.
After a pretty hefty rework and lots of added features, the latest version of the app will make it easy for you to formulate soapy recipes wherever you are. The app is like a mini version of our lye calculator, only better! It will accurately calculate saponification (SAP) values for more than 60 oils with superfatting ranges up to 20% AND save recipe and batch information. The app is available on any device running the Android platform (including tablets!) for $1.99. To download it, simply visit the Google Play store on your device and search ‘Soap app‘. Then, read on to learn all about the app’s new features.
One of the most exciting new features is the ability to set reminders for when your batches are done curing. Batches cure for a minimum of 21 days, but beyond that you can set yourself a reminder for up 99 days after the soap is made. Now you’ll know exactly when your soaps are ready to sell or giveaway. To access the ‘Pending Reminders’ page, click the ‘Current Reminders’ button that appears on the app homescreen.
Just like in previous versions, the app comes preloaded with 6 soaping recipes (3 solid and 3 liquid) but you can easily modify them or add your own. To create a recipe, simply click the ‘Start New Recipe’ button on the homescreen. There you can give the recipe a name, input the oils, change the superfat or add notes. Once you’re satisfied, click the floppy disk save icon. Then, return to the homescreen and click the ‘Saved Recipes’ button to bring up all the recipes you’ve added to the calculator. Choose a recipe and then select the ‘Batches’ button at the bottom. Click ‘Start a New Batch’ and you’re ready to go!
You can still create recipes by traditional ounces and grams. We’ve improved on recipe creation options. With the new version of the app, you can create recipes by entering oils as a percentage of the total. That’s right! This app calculates by percentages. Woot woot! What does that mean exactly? Let’s say you want to make a 2 lb. batch of soap with 30% coconut oil, 30% palm oil, 30% olive oil and 10% shea butter. Simply input those percentages and the app will calculate in ounces (or grams!) how much of each oil you’d need, as well as the lye and water amounts. You can also change the superfat level, add your own notes or convert the entire recipe into a liquid soap project.
For our soapers on the metric system, you can easily convert batches to grams. When you’re on the recipe screen, click the cog symbol to edit the units of measurement. This is also where you can change your preferences to edit recipes in percentages.
If you’ve made a batch your particularly proud of, you can either upload a photo of it from your phone’s gallery or take a new photo altogether.
That’s not all! You can easily share the recipe and the photo via email or Twitter right in the app.
Overall the revised and reworked Soap App is much easier to use, but as always if you have any questions or problems please let us know in the comments below or on our Facebook page. And iPhone users, we haven’t forgotten you! We’re tackling another update to iPhone app next 🙂
I purchased this app for my android phone last year. Everything works, with the exception there are no camera or calendar reminder icons. I just got a new android 4.0 phone, hoping the new phone would be able to handle these features. Still, those two icons are absent. Please pass this onto your tech person, as I would love to photograph my soap as well as place reminders.
Hi Debi!
Thanks so much for your feedback! I have passed that along to our tech people so they’re away and can get it fixed. 🙂
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
I love the app too, Ive been using it on my iphone for a year now, I would love to have been able to log on the same account from my nexus tablet using an email for instance.
Hi Yaa!
Thanks for your feedback! I also wish that apps were able to transfer between platforms, that would be so handy! Maybe someday 🙂
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Love the app!!! So easy to use!!
Hi Kirsten!
I’m so happy to hear this, thanks for the feedback! 🙂
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Love the app!!! So easy to use!!
Yay! I am so glad to hear that! What recipes have you formulated with it?
I tried to get the app and google play says that it is not compatible with my android. I would love to have this tool. I am always thinking of recipes when I don’t have my laptop with me.
Hi Lois!
Oh no, I’m sorry to hear that. This app requires an Android version 4.0 or above, could that be the problem? Let me know, I’d love to help!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
I love this app. For future updates can you make it so we can put in percentages and then create the size batch we want? That would make it perfect! Thanks.
Nevermind. I found it! Now it is perfect. LOL. Thanks.
Hi Mindy!
I’m happy you were able to find it. Happy Soaping! 🙂
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
I just wanted to say that the “soap” app is FANTASTIC!! It is even easier to use than the lye calculator on the webpage. This app rocks! Thank you so much!!!
Hi Bjorn-Ake!
Yay, I’m so happy to hear you’re enjoying the app! Thanks so much for the feedback 🙂
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
It would be great if you could include glycerin in the ingredient list. Also, I’m new to soaping, so I could use some advice on superfatting. I noticed the app’s default setting is 5%. Does 5% produce a moisture rich soap? Just curious. Thanks.
Hi PJ!
Thanks for the suggestion! We have found that a 5% superfat gives a nice balance between a bar that is both moisturizing, but also firm and long lasting 🙂
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
It will be great to have the soaps quality too ie. Bubble, cleansing, moisturizing, iodine,ins etc
Hi Nik!
Thanks for the suggestion. Anne-Marie does not use INC numbers when soaping. For an explanation why, you may find this blog post helpful 🙂
INC Numbers for Soapmaking:
I hope this helps 🙂
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
These look lovely! Color me completely jelly because I was cheap and hot a Windows Smartphone, which is incompatible with both apps. I guess me and my Smartphone need to be just a lil bit smarter! I’ve consistently been so pleased with everything I’ve received from Bramble Berry that I’m looking forward to the Windows version too! (hint hint!)
Hi Hope!
I’m so glad you’ve been enjoying your Bramble Berry products so far :). I hope that we can bring you an app that will work for your phone sometime soon! 🙂
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Yay! Maybe when it does really well it will be available for the Kindle. That or I will get an android device someday. This is super cool and I am definitely keeping my eye on this!
I also hope it will be available soon for my Kindle Fire. I don’t have an android either. 🙁
Hi Theresa and Margaret!
Thanks for the great suggestion, we would love for it to be available for the Kindle as well. It’s definitely something we will look into 🙂
-Amanda with Bramble Berry