It’s a good thing I’m just coming off the Best Day Ever Challenge “Lite” because I sure need the energy. We’ve got exciting things afoot at Bramble Berry and wow, I can’t wait to tell you about them soon. Very soon.
Representatives from the Coalition of Handcrafted Entrepreneurs joined forces for a packed trip to Washington D.C. with the Handcrafted Soap & Cosmetics Guild. Longtime COHE advocates Rick Desimone and Casey Sixskiller teamed up with soapers from across the nation to visit lawmakers and staff. They spoke with them on the importance of handcrafted cosmetics and why regulations need to take into account the unique needs of our industry. COHE will be having a briefing call in late April/early May. Be sure to sign up to join the coalition (it’s free!) to participate and get the latest news coming out of the FDA about our industry.
We’re smack dab in the middle of spring break time here. We’ve been getting record rain in Washington state – literally, broke the record for the wettest February and March. So, when my folks invited the entire family to go for a vitamin D break in Hawaii, we gladly took them up on their offer. The kids loved the beach time and I loved the sun. I was so thankful that the team at Bramble Berry did such a seamless job of holding the proverbial fort down while I was gone; they’re incredible. And, when I show you what we’ve been up to? (Soon, so soon), you’ll be equally impressed!
I’m training for another half marathon, though “training” is probably overselling it (remember all the rain I just mentioned?) Really, it’s just an excuse for me to hang out and talk to friends for a couple hours while we run (trudge). Connection coupled with the opportunity to move my body is such a gift so I’m wading through the rain so that I can shuffle through that run. I’m doing a better job taking care of my body with major yoga sessions at least once a week and some mind-calming daily meditations.
The thing that really has my focus right now is the Handcrafted Soap & Cosmetics Guild Conference. I’m the keynote speaker! The conference is less than a month away (how did that creep up so fast?!) Bramble Berry will have a table there with fragrance samples, and I’ll be there signing books, talking soap, and connecting. The advance-reader-copy of Live Your Best Day Ever also comes out at the end of April, so I’ll be anxiously awaiting reviews of early readers as we finalize the hardback version, due out this summer. My talk at the Soap Guild conference is about how to live your best life ever using practical strategies and tips. I hope everyone walks away with inspiration for the conference and their lives at home.
The next 42-day challenge for Best Day Ever will be in **full swing** by the time the conference happens, and I’d love to have you join me. You can learn more about the challenge and sign up here. Why sign up? People sign up for all kinds of reasons – they want to sleep better, they want to break up with alcohol, cutting out sugar has always been a goal and they need help, or they just want to lose 10 pounds and get it done once and for all (no more yo-yo’ing!) Whatever your “why,” we’re a fun, supportive group and I’m all about meeting you where you’re at on your journey. After all, I believe that creativity is essential, and we can’t be our most creative when we don’t feel our best. Let me help you feel your best. Join us here.
Hi, I love every video and every idea in put in Making all the beautiful soaps, I have never made soap before put I pick up interest after watching most of your videos. Please how do I get the ebook for soap for beinggers.
Thanks so much, glad you love the videos. You can find all our e-books here:
Do you remember the title of the book? I can help you find it on our website.
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
Yeah, I’ve missed your personal ramblings! Thanks for sharing with us!
Oh thank you! We’ve been so heads-down in projects projects projects that it’s definitely been something I’ve missed too =) I love connecting with the Soap Queen community. =) XXOO