The final day of our Otion Soap Intensive ended yesterday and I’m already getting excited about planning our next one. Have suggestions on what you’d like to see at the next one or a special instructor that you’d love to see at Otion? Let me know! Class is limited to 12 people and we already have one person on the sign up list for next year. You can get on the sign up sheet by calling Otion at 360.676.1030
Sunday started with an Intro to Melt and Pour. I crammed as much information on the basics in as I could in one short hour so that Debbie from SoapyLove would have the maximum time possible to showcase the versatility that melt and pour provides.
She taught two of her signature projects: Perfect Plaid and Soap Tarts.

Debbie’s teaching style is easy to follow and every student left with many ideas on how they could take the techniques she taught and apply them to their own soap projects to give their businesses a unique and personalized twist.
Lori Nova from The Nova Studio finished our day of instruction off with the ever-so-helpful, ‘Color with Confidence’ class.
She has tested over 70 colorants in cold process soap and saved everyone hours of testing by showing us the colors in soap and explaining how and why the colorants act the way that they do. It was a useful class that illuminated the mystery of colorants in a easy to understand way.

The big soapy reveal happened at the very end of class when we unmolded our layered and swirl soaps. Lori’s precise method of soapmaking produced gorgeous bars with perfect layers and swirls. Everyone got a chance to try three different beveling tools to give their soap the final professional touch.
Anne-Marie I am from Australia. W ehave nothing like your classes here – it would be a dream come true to attend one!! Im definetly saving to get myself over to Otion even if its only for a week. You are such an inspiration for us soapers her in Australia – your country should be proud!
Thank you for all the great advice and god bless!
Hi! As promised, a blurb is here for you to use (or ignore) as you wish. I also wrote a class report here. Thanks so much again!
goodness you've been busy, girlfriend!
great to see all the wonderful pics you shared here =)
Miss Lilly
aka Nicole
Hi Soap Queen Readers – Thanks for the comments =) Yes, we will have the Coloring with Confidence available as an e-download with a booklet and a powerpoint presentation. Look for it next week.
Kat, There are lots of ways to do layered soap with CP soap but I typically just get really, really thick trace and then just pour one layer right after the other and pour the 2nd layer carefully. No, I haven't had any layer issues with them not sticking together before.
SoapyLove, it was great to have you again. Thanks for coming up.
Soap Goddess, I'd do an in-person class on HP soap for sure but an actual class via the web might take a bit more than just a print out but when I master the live webcam, I'm totally all for it. =)
I'd love to see more advanced techniques offered at your Soap Weekend Intensive 2010. The colour with confidence is a perfect one to offer as I still find some colours a mystery in soap.
I hope you will have some material become available on the color with confidence class. That would be very helpful information.
Glad to see that this year was a great success.
Thanks for this great post Anne-Marie! I LOVE teaching at SWI and am honored to have taught twice!
It was so great to see Lori in action. She is such a professional and super sweet, too. And, as usual, you're the queen of hospitality and made my family very comfy. Thanks again and again! 🙂
This class sounds awesome and it is sure nice to see a male in the group too!
Hey Anne Marie, it's Lindsay from Fey Creations! I wanted to ask if you ever thought of doing a class on hot process soap? That's all we do anymore and I was hoping to get some more ideas!
Look and sounds like the best opportunity around!
Anne-Marie: I have a question and this will expose my novicehood, but I want to learn from the best so here goes:
On the layered cold process and/or hot process, do you have a waiting period of any kind in order to pour a second layer that does not fold into itself? Or do you pour at a trace thick enough to kind of sit on top of the bottom color?
Also, is adhesion ever a problem if there IS a waiting period?
OK, i am blushing to think that eveyone will laugh but i don't care…
Cannot wait to do the plaid!