I had an awesome Monday. Well, that might be overstating the case since A. It’s Tuesday and B. My email quit working mid-morning so I got to fight with Outlook for part of my day. Nothing says ‘Boy, I feel productive!’ like staring at your monitor for long periods of time. But overall, it ended up fantastic because I spent the day with Nadeen from Maine. She has been here for almost a week, exploring the fantastic Pacific Northwest. And, lucky for us, there was only one day worth of monsoon-like deluge. She made the most of her trip – going to Pike Place Market, hiking and visiting all the great sight sites. But, she saved the best for last – a full day of soapmaking.
She spent the morning with Kat (one of our incredible instructors) learning Cold Process Soapmaking – beginning and Advanced. Notice the progression from left to right. By the time Nadine left, she definitely had her cold process skills way up to soap par.

Hi Anne-Marie, these photos are beautiful! I had sooooooo much fun and really want to come back again as soon as I can. I encourage everyone to spend a day with you if they can! You brought the process full circle for me and made me finally feel comfortable that all my ‘experimenting’ has given me a good foundation. Your knowledge and expertise really made the difference for me and gave me the final confidence to feel ready to move full speed ahead! You are the best, and I can’t thank you enough for a fantastic day. Love, Nadeen
Totally agree – I love the little star cookie cutter for sure.
They’re as much fun for me as they are for the students – in fact, I probably have even more fun then they do. =) I love those days sooooo much.
These sessions always look like so much fun (and the education is the icing on the cake)! It’s my dream to try it one day. 🙂
these soaps are gorgeous! they look like pastries crossed with stained glass. absolutely delicious!
Hi Amanda. We used a combination of burgundy oxide, yellow mica, and coral mica to get that great orange. Thanks for your comment!
Otion: The Soapmaking Bar
I love that orange color was able to get! Looks great!