I have been addicted to hot oil hair treatments since I was about 12 years old. I used to warm the oil up, put it on my hair, and then rinse it out with apple cider vinegar/baking soda. I’m not sure that the last part of my hair treatment was all that healthy but I swore by it.
Well, I’m a bit older now but still addicted to hair oil for a deep conditioning treatment. I normally toss together whatever the new oil de jour is with some jojoba and essential oils (Geranium and Lavender are my standbys).
Last night, I got inspired and made a more serious attempt at a conditioning hair oil.
First, I infused some sesame seed oil/unrefined hemp seed oil with herbs of calendula, and Fenugreek. Fenugreek is traditionally used in India by infusing the seeds into yogurt and using the mixture as a hair conditioner. I did a luke warm infusion and simmered the oil on low for an hour with the herbs. I strained the oil with a makeshift strainer – a coffee filter lining my pasta drainer.
You can see by the oil that it is very dark after the infusion. The unrefined hemp seed oil is a natural dark green brown color to start and the infusion darkened it.
You can see by the oil that it is very dark after the infusion. The unrefined hemp seed oil is a natural dark green brown color to start and the infusion darkened it.
The infusion was the time intensive part. The rest is easy. My recipe looks like this:
2 oz. Hemp and Seseme Infused oil
2 oz. Castor Oil
2 oz. Fractionated Coconut Oil
1 oz. Evening Primrose Oil
1 oz. Avocado Oil
1 oz. Soybean Oil
Essential Oil Blend: .25 oz. Carrot Seed Oil, .10 oz. Frankincense CO2 Extracted, .25 oz. Basil Essential Oil, .15 oz. Cedarwood EO, .15 oz. Rosemary EO
After I had all the oils assembled, it was a quick pour into the bottle and voila! A lovely, stimulating scalp and hair oil.
Can’t wait to try this out! 🙂
We really like and we’d love to know how it turns our for you, Marti! 🙂
-Becky with Bramble Berry
this looks awesome. do you use commercial shampoo or do you blend up your own? do you make it from a base or from scratch. im lookin for a recipe for doing a ‘from scratch’ shampoo and conditioner. if you happen to know one, id be thrilled to have it!
in the meanwhile, plan to try out this hot oil treatment to combat any of the nastiness the commercial stuff does. (its a supposedly natural one, but im still not impressed with the ingredients.)
🙂 michelle
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