“Happy girls are the prettiest.” — Audrey Hepburn
Ah, isn’t that the truth? I recently was reminded that beauty fades but smart is forever. I’m hoping that happiness is forever too! I just started reading a new book about parenting, “All Joy and No Fun.” I tried to convince my book club to read it but they’re all about fiction right now (we just finished Eleanor & Park; highly recommend). So, I’m reading the book on my own and marveling at how universal the struggle of parenthood is.
It’s no secret that moving from one child to two children is like moving from one to a herd, a passel, a gaggle and a mutiny. There is so so little sleep, so little productive work around the house (I’m pretty sure my car has a kiwi that molded under the front seat 2 months ago that I haven’t had the time to go find), and no time to sit and marvel at the miracle your toddlers are because you’re too busy chasing after them.
And then, something like this happens and it gives me just the slightest lift; enough to grin and bear it for one more day:
And yes, that is a screenshot from my Instagram account. Because we all know, if it didn’t make social media, it didn’t happen.
Three cheers for the weekend; maybe this will be the weekend I actually find that molded kiwi in the car. (pause) Meh, who am I kidding? This is the weekend that I will be a train conductor, engage in crawling races, build forts from pillows and use the vacuum 1466 times to clean up after “Look who just learned to eat solids” Lily. Here’s to a weekend full of joy …
Oh Anne Marie! I am right in the middle of this with a newly 6 year old boy, a 3 year old girl and a baby girl due in June. My house is never quiet or clean, and I am never alone!!! Our saving grace is that these children are so precious and beautiful, and despite all the chaos and sleepless nights, the pay-off is so much more rewarding.
Ah, isn’t that the truth? I’m right in the middle of this great article in the New Yorker that you might enjoy (I think this link will open you up to the middle where I am but getting back to the beginning is easy http://nymag.com/news/features/67024/index4.html) that is making me think and re-evaluate how many hours I get to spend with my husband. That’s an area that is so easily neglected with little ones at home. Congrats on your new little girl due in June. Just a couple months to go! =) You must be so thrilled that you get to mee=et your new little one soon.
Ah these days pass to quickly. When big brother looses the dimples on the backs of his hands you will be oh no he’s not a baby anymore! Every stage has the pluses and well shall we say challenges enjoy the best of each!
A discarded refrigerator box makes a great fort, doll house and stage front. Park it in a corner and it covers a multitude of stuff!
Next trip to the forest grab that kiwi as you get out of the car and feed a bush! Happy weekend!
Eleanor and Park absolutely killed me. The biggest emotional roller coaster I’ve been on book wise. Also, your children are adorable
Oh, Eleanor & park absolutely ruined my life, but I absolutely LOVE it. Definitely would recommend it. Your children are adorable 🙂
Wow I’m sorry for posting so many times
Oh, Eleanor & park absolutely ruined my life, but I absolutely LOVE it. Definitely would recommend it. Your children are adorable 🙂
I loved that book so much. And did you see it’s about to become a movie? It starts shooting in 2015. I can’t imagine it as a movie. It was such a slow, lyrical book … I don’t see that translating well to the big screen (and yes, feel free to come back and toss those words in my face when it’s a huge success in 2016). =)
How blessed you are!
Truly. And I try not to forget it, even in the more trying moments. =)
Great post! This is the story of my life right now. I have a 9 month old and a 3 year old, so I can definetly relate. Isn’t it amazing how your children’s smiles can totally turn around your day and uplift your spirits. Your children are cuties! I hope the book turns out to be a good read!
You and I are literally 1 month apart in parenthood – Jamisen turns 3 at the end of this month, Lily 10 months. =) As for the book, so far, I’m closing my eyes and hoping it’s not going to end in a horror story. The Introduction is scaring me a little bit =)
How cute! Time with toddlers is intense but short lived so yes, laugh, love and have fun with it and given time that Kiwi fruit will disappear into the car seat so no need to stress 😉
The weekend is over and no luck with the whole car thing. I didn’t even open the car door one time this weekend but there’s always next weekend.
I did however do a lot of fort building, cooking (two types of macaroni & cheese!) and vigorous games of peekabooo.
That’s probably a useful weekend =)
Beautiful children ! God bless them always.My daughter & son are now 11 & 9 respectively years fly so quick 🙂
Beautiful children ! God bless them always.My daughter & son are now 11 & 9 respectively years fly so quick 🙂
It does go by so quickly. I can’t believe Jamisen is 3 years old already!
They are so gorgeous Anne-Marie. They will only be little for such a short while. Before you know it they will be all grown up but they will always be your babies. Who really cares if you cant have a clean house. At least they have your love and that is so important. Enjoy every day as if it could be your last.
I know… I know. It’s crazy how fast it goes. The days go by so slowly but then all of a sudden, they’re walking and talking and you wonder where the time went. Also, every time I see Lily standing up, I feel my stupid ovaries thumping and want another tiny little baby. Hormones are a crazy thing, aren’t they?!
Love, love, love your honesty! Thank you.
Sometimes you just have to laugh … it’s so much better than the alternative! =)
Adorable Picture!! Thanks for sharing Anne-Marie!
They are rather adorable. It is their saving grace for sure … =)