I’ve already been to 2 weddings this summer which means it’s officially wedding season! Yay! Oh the romance, the first kiss, the first dance, the googly eyes and then, cut to tradition. Bubbles are a sweet alternative to the ‘throwing rice’ wedding tradition when the bride and groom are officially a “Mr. and Mrs.” I’ve seen it in action several times but have you ever seen (or smelled) scented wedding bubbles? (If you have seen scented bubbles before, humor me, I’ve never seen them).
1 oz Liquid Glycerin
20 oz Distilled Water
2 oz Bottles (15)OR you can buy everything you need by clicking the icon. 

Mixing Bowl
Craft Wire
The Bubbles: Mix all of the liquid ingredients into a bowl and mix well. For the best bubbles, let the mixture sit for about 5 hours (overnight would even be better). I’m not sure what the science behind this is but it works, trust me.
The Wand:There are several things you can use to create your bubble wand. I read about wire hangers, pipe cleaners, yogurt lids, twisty ties and yarn. I wanted something that could easily fit into my 2 ounce containers so I used some thin wire that I found at the craft store. Start by cutting a 9-10 inch piece of wire and start twisting. Just create a circle (or heart if you’re good; mine wasn’t so hot) on one end.
Putting it Together: For the finishing touch, use a ribbon to tie the wand to the side of the 2 oz bottle.
Variations: If you want to blow bigger bubbles that are a little stronger than your average, add a little more liquid glycerin. If you want quantity over quality, add a touch more water to the recipe.
There so many recipes and different recipes out there to mix up some bubbly fun.
I would love to hear your tips and tricks!
Thank you thank you! I recently bought “the naturally clean home” book, from your local store Otion! Love that place..anywho..on page 30 there are recipes for liquid hand dishwashing soap. Which needs Liquid Castile soap and various essential oils.
1. Do you see a problem with using the High Sudsing liquid soap paste?
2. Do you see a problem with using he essential oils of lemon, orange, bergamot, lavender.
3. Recipe says “diluted for directions if using for concentrate”
What is the dilution ratio for High Sudsing Liquid soap – for concentrate?
Thank you…I love Brambleberry!
Yay! I am so glad you got to stop by Otion!
It is okay to use the high sudsing liquid soap paste for the dishwasher, but we recommend being careful because you could end up with a kitchen full of suds!!
The essential oils will be fantastic for laundry or dish-soap. They are wonderful EO’s and smell pretty delicious!
The recommended dilution rate is 4:1.
Good luck!
-Becky from Bramble Berry
Can you use High Sudsing Liquid soap base available at Brambleberry, rather than the liquid soap concentrate??
Yes. In theory, this should work just fine after you dilute the paste. However, we have not tested this so keep us posted! Have fun with your bubbles!
Courtney from Bramble Berry
mmmm Buttercream & Snickerdoodle bubbles can’t wait till my shipment arives
That really is a fabulous idea – and would make for gorgeous wedding pictures!
My granddaughters love to do bubbles. They love to do crafts with me also so two great things in one equal happy girls and happier MIMI!! Thanks for this wonderful idea.
He he … keep me posted. I want to see photos!
Thanks! It was a super fun fourth of July. We watched the fireworks with friends and had some serious moments around things we are so thankful for in America. It was great to connect.
Love love! You could do a watermelon, a lime and a cherry (individual ones) and make yourself up a DIY jolly rancher smell as everyone starts to blow! =)
Think birthday parties … baby showers … graduation parties. Who doesn’t like blowing bubbles? =)
Total LOL!
You can use any fragrance; we played with Vanilla because I was in that sort of mood but almost any fragrance or essential oil should easily work.
I love the idea – beautiful smells wafting past you as you are introduced as husband and wife. Ahhhhh, romantic.
And every day can be a magic day! It doesn’t need to be just for weddings =)
OMG! I’m getting married next September and these might just be replacing the traditional confetti – love it! And of course, I have already planned soap bonbonnieres … 😉
Happy 4th July! Love the blog banner!!! (love the scented bubbles too, great idea).
This is so cool! Also a great idea for summer birthday party favors- maybe with watermelon or pearberry scents!
That is such a great idea! I wish I would have thought of it for my wedding or knew someone who was planning a wedding.
Thanks for the heads up Teresa! I just fixed the link. And I’m so glad the scented bubbles are new to you too!
p.s. the link to the Liquid Soap Concentrate doesn’t work, A-M…
I’ve not seen scented bubbles before, so this is new and exciting to me! 😉
I’m going to get married just so i can try this! Lol =) What a great idea to give!
oooo – vanilla scented! i have a couple brides to be that will need to see this!
Fun and romaaaannntic at the same time!!! Bubbles and wand for magics days!!!
Mar D. Jabones
Adorable! Love this!
That would be so awesome! 🙂
Gorgeous idea!!!