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Barebummbath- You can do both. I was just experimenting with melt and pour in CP. My twitpic this morning is CP embedded in CP (that I did not make- It's from Little Bitty Soap Co.)
Soap Loft Creations- The melt and pour was a couple of months old.
Got it and loved it, thanks! 🙂
Could you use pieces of cold process in place or melt and pour ? What would be the advantage of using melt and pour in place of cold process ?
WOW! WOW! WOW! I cannot wait to learn how you did this!
How long did you age the MP for? I'll be curious to hear how consistently these dissolve when used. They look amazing!
Hi Deep South –
It's CP and melt and pour, yes. I aged the MP so that it was ultra hard before embedding.
Love it!! is this mp and cp?