Yes, this is a real product and it totally made me laugh out loud today (thanks for sending it, Dad). It’s particularly ironic given tomorrow’s celebration of women everywhere. Watch the funny YouTube commercial here (I hope it makes you chuckle too). So, if you’re a manly man and won’t admit to craving a bonbon or a truffle every once in a while, then this is the chocolate for you!

We’re huge Pocky sticks fans at our house! We’ve tried the Men’s one before, but never could figure out why it’s called that; it doesn’t smell or taste like it has men in it. LOL!
Maybe these candies are especially for the Japanese ojo-men — ladylike men that seem to be on the rise in Japan. 🙂
too much, it makes you want to buy it and not give it to a guy…maybe that’s just me…lol
Have you seen the Yorkie bar from England? The poster on the wall of our British sweetie shop says “Yorkie: Don’t Feed the Birds!” They had a girls’ Yorkie a few years ago – it was very nice.
We love Pocky. My fiance runs a Japanese pop culture group at the library, and he rejoices in bringing all kinds of weird flavours to them. I love the blueberry, and if you get a chance to try the dessert series with mousse, get some!
Hehe, I’ve seen the Men’s pocky before – never had the pleasure of trying that flavor, although I do love every last bit of it I can get my hands on.
Ah yes, only a real woman can hold her chocolate – men need their hand held as they dip into the dangerous waters of chocolate!
Men’s Pocky?!! That’s hilarious. I’ve seen Pocky here in Japanese markets in NJ and in some stores in NYC. They are actually pretty good, think thin, plain breadstick dipped in chocolate (or whatever specified flavor).