Does anyone have exciting plans for the weekend? My plans you ask? I’ll be filming SoapQueen.TV. Follow me on Twitter so you can catch all the fun updates. The Bramble Berry team and I always have a blast on filming days. We usually have great muchies to snack on and we get the (uncontrollable) giggles at least 10 times through out the day. And, there will be cupcakes included in those munchies since my favorite cupcake place is at the Farmer’s Market tomorrow. I am really hoping for chocolate mint or red velvet … (drool)

Did you catch the Marbled Soap Tutorial yesterday? If not, check it out HERE.
Join us every Thursday for a step by step (photo) tutorial OR an episode of Soap Queen TV. Either way we guarantee you’ll learn something fun and inventive.
Hooray for Thursdays!
In other news, Bramble Berry has added some new fragrances:
In the sad news category, Fresh Baked Bread has doubled in price and will have to be discontinued when current stocks run out. It is truly one of my all time favorites so it breaks my soapy heart to do it but … get it while it lasts.
Finally, I made some soap yesterday with a really fascinating blend. I think it smells smashing but to be honest, one of the gals in the office swears it smells like diaper cream. I disagree but if you try it and think the same, don’t say I didn’t warn you:
2 parts Neroli
1 part Wasabi
2 parts Fresh Zucchini Flower
2 parts Spearmint
Fresh and herbaceous … or diaper cream. You be the judge.
Hi BathCake – Ugh, you're so right. Discoloring fragrances can be a heartbreaking thing! Which one was it? I'll make sure it's noted on the BB site in the description that it discolors so you can use Vanilla Color Stabilizer.
And yes, that's a great idea! I can't promise that I'll get to it any time soon (Soap Queen TV, new line of products releasing this week, new line of molds in production, a new kit, a new Christmas gift package, finalizing home schooling book – all to do first! Ack!) but it's a great idea and I'll keep it on my radar.
Sorry for a completely unrelated comment but I was hoping that Bramble Berry might compile & put out a list of non discoloring scents that you carry. I just killed 3 pounds of soap that was gorgeous right until it all turned brown. 🙁 Kind of like your non bleeding colors list. I've tried ordering scents from other places and nothing compares to Bramble Berry but blowing away that much soap (my family will still use it!) was just heart breaking.
Hi Anne-Marie!
I really love all of your tutorial videos and wondered if you would consider making one for 'exploding' frog soaps? The kind that is here:
Kevin x
The marbled soap looks cool!
I can't wait to see whatcha girls come up with for the next episode!! Have fun and eat some cupcakes for me!! I wish i could come!! XOXO
mmmmm–chocolate mint cupcakes sound yummy!
Loved the marble soap yesterday… going to have to try it when I get my supplies…
as far as the diaper cream goes, I like so many baby scents, but the rub comes when involuntary association includes memories of less than favorite baby chores.
Looking forward to the next video!
I got a good laugh over the "diaper cream" comment. I've been looking for a really great peanut butter fragrance (hint, hint). I had my husband sniff the one UPS brought me yesterday and he declared that it reminded him of the inside of a new car. Hmmmm. I guess it doesn't smell like peanut butter.
Love that you're making new videos, my Thursday's just aren't the same!!! And cupcakes too, you so have the life I want LOL.
Just ask 'em if they are
Around these parts, that
means pregnant!
How hilarious!
The combination sounds at the very least…interesting!
I am glad in a sick way that some other people have no plans just like me.
One way to look at it is at least we are getting work done while the rest of the world will take at the very least, one or two days next week to recover!!!!
Hope everyone on the set has fun!
Keep those blurbs rolling we all love them alot!!