Are you a Bramble Berry newsletter subscriber? If not, sign up HERE. Don’t miss out on FREE holiday labels available to newsletter subscribers only. The newsletter goes out early Tuesday morning so sign up and confirm your free subscription so you don’t miss the boat!

If the spam filter eats up your newsletter on Tuesday morning, toss me an email at info (at) brambleberry (dot) com and I’ll forward you my copy. I wouldn’t want you to miss out on the super cute holiday labels we designed for you.
I hope that it is not yet too late and you would be so kind as to forward me the newsletter with the labels!
[email protected]
thank you!
I was sure I had already signed up but I guess not! Is it too late to receive a copy of the labels? I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for considering and for all you do to help and inspire us.
I subscribed on Wednesday, will you please send me a copy of the labes. Thank you
Could you please forward me a copy of the newsletter, I signed up today and haven't received it. Thanks so much, I can't wait to read it and use the labels.
[email protected]
LOL @ what Rose said!
I just want to say how cute the labels are…just like the ones I find over at Martha Stewart's! 🙂
Maybe they need soap to CLEAN up their act…:-D
One does wonder! =) I guess we've hit the big time if escort services are leaving us spammy comments, eh? =)
Sounds like 123 123 is running a call girl service. How does that apply to soap?