This is a fascinating retrospective of a family that takes a photo of themselves every year. Click here to see all of the changes through the years.

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I’ve seen that project before and think it’s absolutely fascinating.
Here’s a photography project we discovered in the same vain as the one you posted shot by some UK photographers:
There’s also a tool called flickaday that helps you chronical and display your daily portrait for posterity:
I think the mother looks more striking every year as well but I wasn’t able to convince MY mom to do this experiment every year. =)
i LOVED that!
what beautiful faces they all have!
and doesn’t the mother just look more and more fabulous each year!
I don’t think I would be brave enough to document this publicly but it definitely seems like a great keepsake for the family. Maybe I’ll try to convince my family to start the tradition this year?
I find this fascinating! Now I wish I had done this before I started aging and before the kids were born. It is a great idea and so pure to see the aging within minutes.
Wow. They made some quantum aging leaps on some years. This project would make me want to start using more face cream or plastic surgery since it’s so public. That’s brave of them to be so open.