My family visited this weekend to celebrate my husband’s birthday. It was a really fun weekend, complete with lots of laughing and outdoor activity. We went walking in the hills around Whatcom Lake and enjoyed the beautiful weather and views.

His big birthday surprise was a scooter to toodle around town with. Chris will be starting his MBA program in June (while continuing to work full-time). The scooter will be a good way for him to get in and out of the college without dealing with the parking. And, it’s an efficient way for us to be more environmentally friendly (reducing our carbon footprint through less gas useage). He was excited and has already taken it out for an afternoon spin today, despite the weather being in the mid 40’s today.
It was a wonderful birthday celebration. And yawn, we’re both pretty tuckered out after all of the activity.
Patti, aren’t those shoes hilarious and cute? He is *so* proud of his scooter and calls it “Buddy.”
In-Between, we’ve been planning for the scooter for a while so tell your hubby to sit tight. Great gifts require long planning (especially when they cost over $50!)
Joanna, Chris LOVES your scrub but we’re still using up the last gift that you generously gave him. He just really appreciates the consistency of the products you make. =)
Happy Birthday, Chris!!!!! Do you need more scrub from me…. perhaps Sugarfoot, for the special occasion?
Oh I have to keep my husband away from your blog! “But Anne-Marie got HER husband a scooter!!” He has been wanting one for ages.
So glad you had a good celebration! Looks like a great weekend!
A very happy birthday to your dh!! You two are perfectly adorable on the scooter. Scooters are so neat – always reminds me of Europe.
Good for him for starting an MBA!
mmm…cheesecake…you’re making me hungry. There’s a place in Vancouver called Cheesecake Etc that you might want to try. I heard Bryan Adams used to hang out there. 😉
Oh, what fun…
Love the vespa!! Happy b-day and good luck to your hubby’s with his mba adventure. My husband is right in the middle of his =)
you two are a very cute couple!
and the orange scooter is the best thing everrrrrr! that looks like a great little luggage compartment on the back.
and the matching orange shoes on chris are killing me (my husband wears really bright birkenstocks around the place….duck feet…..).