If you’re anything like me, and hate wasting soap, you’ll have plenty of soap scraps laying around the house from all of your melt and pour projects. I recently got a bee in my bonnet to embedded some of my old soap in one loaf mold (below) and chop up melt and pour scraps to integrate into a Cold Process loaf (above). I just love how they both turned out. The fragrance is even fabulous, though I will probably never be able to recreate it. Rats!
And another scrappy soap made with melt and pour odds and ends – each bar looks different and special.

Tonya, The idea of doing scrappy soap AND swirling sounds pretty incredible. (swoon)
Redgoddess, I can almost picture your scrappy soap in my head and I love the concept of the pure white providing contrast to the colorful multi colored scraps. Dramatic!
I made some scrappy soap twice. I had a huge amount of M&P scraps in a rainbow of colors. I made one large loaf with multi-colored scraps in white. It was spectacular! The other was done in clear and was really good, but not as spectacular.
Currently, I'm saving more scraps to do it again.
I have done 2 batches in the last few weeks of scrappy soap but used the swirling that was featured a few weeks. ago. Added some mica or glitter and they turned out pretty.
I love the adding scraps to new soaps idea!
I've done scrappy soap before and I love it. I did have a problem doing it with cold process though (it didn't saponify correctly). It works better for me with hot process. I add in the chunks right before I'm ready to mold it.
super cute
I haven't had much success making scrappy soap because I make mostly CP rather than M&P. Yours look so colorful and cheery, they're great! My scraps mostly end up being shredded into laundry soap flakes. Our clothes smell great and clean though!
I don't think my scraps are as nice as yours (grin) but I'm gonna give this a try.
cooool! I have so many scraps. Just the past day or so I've been giving making soap with scraps some thought. I shall now have a go after this!
Kat, I would think that selling the scrappy soap might be difficult because you can't ever replicate it. But having it as 'seconds' or as a 'gift with purchase' would be a great incentive – and it would be less money for you for the gift since it was all 'trash' anyways =)
ItsFromArizona, Yes, all the scraps are scented. I tend to choose scraps that I suspect and hope are complimentary. So far, so good … =)
Are your scraps scented? All my scraps are usually 1 scent or another, so I'm usually scared to combine them all!
these all look very lovely!
has anyone had any success in
selling scrap soap?
I really like the top two.
you made scraps into something really cool!
I love the episodes! So Cool! Technology is an awesome blessing.