This quote inspired me this morning. I’m sharing it with you, hoping that it makes you think as well.
Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties. — Erich Fromm
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Filed Under: Personal Ramblings
This quote inspired me this morning. I’m sharing it with you, hoping that it makes you think as well.
Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties. — Erich Fromm
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Two great quotes, ladies…thanks for the reminders!
What a great quote! Sunshinemom, I *love* that one too!!
Isn’t CharityFocus-DailyGood inspiring? This is my favorite, so far: “Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend.” — Albert Camus
I am planning to do a collage with this quote as the inspiration.
Oh my goodness, that is such a good quote! I love it, SunshineMom! And congrats on your amazing success. Checker to Manager, with or without a college degree in two years is mighty impressive.
Nahia, I did pull it from a really cool little email blurb on creativity this morning that came from CharityFocus, DailyGood newsletter. I love getting their positive daily pick-me-ups.
We must subscribe to the same email. 🙂 I loved this quote, too… really makes you think.
Love the quote!! Isn’t it great how a simple quote can be so inspiring? When I started working retail as a young girl I found a quote that I carried with me (still have it). It said, “If you are waiting for your ship to come in…you must work days, nights, & weekends building the dock.” I went from a checker to management in 2 years without a college degree 🙂