Apparently, archaeologists exploring Cypress have found the world's oldest perfume factory. Spanning over 40,000 square feet and thought to employ over a dozen people, the factor even had its own oil pressing machinery. Scientists have recreated some of the fragrances based on bits of materials and … Continue Reading
We’re supporting Captain Seahorse
That's right, a band called Captain Seahorse is going to be where we're putting some of our charitable donation funds this month. Downtown Renaissance Network helps to pick up where Bellingham City services leave off - for example, DRN pays for someone to clean up trash off the streets. (Total … Continue Reading
Google? Not so many satisfied useers
My best friend's son, Kyle, was recently diagnosed for an intrinsic brain stem glinoma. For the blissfully uninitiated, that means that he has an inoperable brain tumor. For once, I have something to obsess about that's not soap or business related. So, I've spent copious amounts of time in the last … Continue Reading
Me at the Women’s Hall of Fame dinner

I had the great privilege of serving on the Women's Hall of Fame board this year. We had our awards banquet this weekend and to the left, is a photo of me speaking to Mauri Ingram (on left) from the Community Foundation and Rachel Meyers (on right) from Whatcom County Literacy Council. The … Continue Reading
You trademarked WHAT?!
It seems like if you have enough money, time and high powered attorneys that you can get anything trademarked. Speaking from experience, I tried for five or six years to get Bramble Berry trademarked (and finally got put on the supplemental registry!) but it took serious effort, time and money. If … Continue Reading
Nice 80 lb signage paper
The Paper Element truly makes some of the most sassy background paper for signs. It can easily take Rub-Ons so that makes it versatile for greeting cards (if you're like me and you happen to do both). Be thinking about your summer craft show booths. How nice would a uniform sign program look? For … Continue Reading
FBI and soap go together like …
I just got a fun note from Mr. Wood in South Korea who read the Yahoo Finance page story on me. I like the FBI connection. I am going to write him back and see what kind of business he's going to start up. I also am interested to dialogue with him about the challenges of setting up a business in … Continue Reading
Double Rainbows and Fudge Sundaes

Chris and I went out to dinner last night with a super cool couple - Max and Sarah from Handcrank Films. We went to Anthony's and watched the most amazing sunset, complete with hundreds of seagulls drifting up on air currents and a double rainbow! It was entirely picturesque and reminded me why I … Continue Reading
Very nice soap wrapping paper
Scenic Route Paper Co. creates some amazing wrapping paper designs for soap. You can find a list of local retailersto get yourself 10 sheets for about $7.50-$10.00 and wrap up your soap in a beautifully sophisticated and eye catching manner. Remember, it's all about differentiating yourself from … Continue Reading
Yeahhhh, the demise of bar soap?

I just read an interesting posting saying that bar soap was becoming a thing of the past. The rationale for this theory is that consumers are switching to liquid soap for any number of things - from fragrances, to added vitamins to larger bottles of soap meaning less trips to the grocery … Continue Reading
I came across this thread on the SoapDish Forum today. It should be required reading for all new soapmakers and business people. We have aggressive SPAM filters at work but still Bramble Berry gets thirty to ninety emails a day that want to buy our product (without knowing what our product is), … Continue Reading
Super Cute Lip Balm Project

Cute handmade lip balm with hand scribbled decorations for a rainy-afternoon project or perfect for a sleep over party for your 13-year-old. The best soap supplies on the internet are found at Bramble Berry. Click here to browse Bramble Berry. Have a question about this blog post? Come … Continue Reading
Fan Mail
I just got the sweetest note from a customer that made me smile, laugh and feel very happy. For what it's worth, I love the Hungarian Lavender as well as I noted in this post back in February. Thank you so much for my box of goodies... As usual, every Bramble Berry Fragrance is fabulous! I have … Continue Reading
Entrepreneur of the Week from Yahoo
Yahoo chose me a their Entrepreneur of the week. It's great. I'm happy to be honored. I work really hard every day. My staff puts in huge amounts of effort every day as well. It's nice to see our successes recognized. It's still amazing and strange to me every time someone points to me or … Continue Reading