You know cupcakes have made it mainstream when vaunted jeweler Tiffany‘s produces a cupcake charm.
It’s adorable, isn’t it? If you have $150 and an obsession for all things cupcake, go buy yourself a charm here.
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Filed Under: Personal Ramblings
You know cupcakes have made it mainstream when vaunted jeweler Tiffany‘s produces a cupcake charm.
It’s adorable, isn’t it? If you have $150 and an obsession for all things cupcake, go buy yourself a charm here.
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For $150 those little studs should be diamonds!
I agree with Rita and Teresa R. I wouldn’t refuse this charm if it was given to me as a gift (and I love cupcakes!), but at $150 for the charm alone, it costs too much especially since it’s only silver and enamel. You’re basically paying big bucks just for the Tiffany name. 🙁
I definitely don’t have that kind of money burning a hole in my pocket. But, it’s a very cute charm, and I’d certainly not say no to it if someone were to get it for me as a present. ;D
I love that little charm and I don’t have any kind of special affinity for cupcakes. For $150 you would think it was a 14 carat cupcake instead of silver.