I am sorry to report that The Soap Queen blog is still locked down from posting new articles. I have lots to report on too – finishing up the 3-D soap mold tutorial, visiting Open Sundaes in Vancouver and more cupcakes. And this week, assuming the blog gets unlocked, I will be able to post on cream soap experiments too! My fingers are crossed that Monday will be the day that Blogger is able to review the site and determine that it’s not a link-farming, spam site. =)
We own http://www.soap-queen.com and a few other bloggy related URLs and we are definitely headed to having our own server. I’m waiting for daily traffic counts to rise enough for it to make business sense to move to our own domain name.
Putting it on the Bramble Berry domain gives me a bit less freedom with what I write and makes it too easy for me to be lazy with our ultimate goal for the site – new projects every day with constant chatter, traffic and customer interaction without “big brother” (BB) interfering.
I’m very excited that many of the people that read the blog don’t shop at Bramble Berry. The blog is a new way to reach and interact with customers, new and old.
Thank you for the thought though. Having our own server would have helped us not get shut down for the weekend! =)
Have you considered just installing Word Press to the server that Brambelberry is on? Just create a new path off the brambelberry URL (eg. .com/soapqueenblog) and install it there. Most web space also comes with a few data bases, some even have it already installed, you just make a few clicks.
The upside of my having a business domain, is that I can have a 2nd URL free, and thus my own blog for free essentially.
p.s. Lest anyone be confused about how the little “Really! I’m locked down” posts are happening, I figured out that if I posted photos from Flikr that somehow, those posts aren’t locked down. But, the Flickr photo posts are limited in number of characters I can use, can’t link, and won’t do more than one photo per posts so it’s an efficient way to blog anything but quick blurbs.