Saint Cupcakes is located in Portland Oregon which is about a 4-5 hour drive for me. So to get my cupcake fix I ordered online using their “fancy cupcake choosing technology”. I ordered 3 different cupcakes, 3 different types of frosting and 3 different types of sprinkles. The ordering experience in itself had me ear to ear. I could hardly wait to receive my $21 order. No, that’s not a typo, people. I paid $21 for just 3 cupcakes. Was it worth it?

Pretty packaging…I’m so there!
Oily cupcake? Uh, not so much.
Spread-your-own-frosting? I dunno…I must be missing something…
Now you’re making me hungry. I just got some cupcakes from a lady who puts together these kits to make your own cupcakes too at my last craft show! They were so delicious!
Sometimes you just have to pamper yourself a little. You look like you enjoyed them!
oh my
just got a fab idea
personally i do not see the
joy in spreading my own icing
but if you think it is a 10
how about a coconut sugar scrub
on top of a fizzy bomb cupcake
would that be delectable
or decadent or
except you would have to
keep it from running over the sides
with some kind of thickening
agent or something……
i knew i shoulda paid attention
during chemistry
or home ec
or something!
owner of cupcake shop said
every time the news got worse
their sales would increase
oh, the power of sugar!
maybe that would work with soaps,
sugar scrubs, and cupcakes?
front page MSN this AM
You’ll know the recession is over when….
cupcakes hit MSN home page!
I guess that would be right on the money
when will you release your new and improved recipe????? 🙂 🙂
my defunct cuppy cakes are sitting on my garden window like decapitated soliders!
It’s a great concept. Sending fragile food in the mail is always a bit tricky, I think.
hi cupcake girl….very cute photo of you sampling the $7 cupcake!
you asked on my blog how my 09 goals were going.
travel, TICK.
gardening, TICK.
cooking, TICK.
soaping, TICK.
walking….no tick.
thanks for the reminder….tomorrow is the day we hit the lake track again.
Mom’s birthday is coming up and these look perfect and a cupcake for each of us to boot!
For $21 I’ll send you a dozen homemade cupcakes from scratch!
That sounds like it would be a neat gift and fun. There ordering component on their website is awesome.
I like the bangarang bakery’s cupcakes (used to be fatdaddy). She ships them in mason jars, already frosted. They are AMAZING. I’ve tried others on etsy and hers are the BEST!
That said, I just ordered some from mickiscountrycandles on the dish, I’ll let you know how they are when they get here. I’m a cupcake freak!
dlbaqua on the Dish