I got to take a behind-the-scenes tour at Starbucks Headquarters with their Vice President in charge of e-commerce. That’s us in front of the original Starbucks sign. How cool is that?
I learned some very practical sales application practices for Bramble Berry but what I was most excited about was Starbucks emphasis on communication, internal brand messaging and the atmosphere of quiet collaboration.
Every meeting at Starbucks starts with a coffee tasting. It’s a way of bringing everyone together, grounding everyone and educating team members about product lines.
Starbucks also had their values and mission visible, everywhere. It was inspiring to see how well they’ve integrated their values into their practices – their product design, their marketing messaging and their on-site amenities. Seeing how well they publicized their values inside their company gave me some ideas on how we can integrate our values better into Bramble Berry’s daily routine.
I also got the scoop about some of the uber cool, limited edition, small batch coffees coming to Starbucks in the next few quarters and they sound delicious. By far my favorite part was the Clover. It is basically the next big thing for the coffee connoisseur. There are a handful of the Clover machines in Seattle for you to try. It’s a single-cup brew cofee machine that brews limited edition, rare coffee, one cup at a time. It is so specialized that there’s a Clover certification at Starbucks, above and beyond regular barista training. To learn more about the Clover or find a location near you that’s brewing with the Clover, click here. I can’t wait to try my next cup of Clover-brewed coffee. It was so good that I didn’t have any urge for cream or sugar – just the straight coffee. If you get a chance, try it. As for me, I’m already angling for another visit so I can get some more of that delicious Clover-brewed coffee.
just can't help myself; i have to say this.
Anne-Marie you look just like a kid in a candy shop here! Grinning from ear to ear. I can tell this really really encouraged you and was all about what makes you tick!
i totally agree with AM, nature is my biggest inspiration yet.
aww thanks Anne-Marie! I feel motivated to get inspired! i am trying to design a 'mosaic soap' as is my business name, but i am so scared to get started! my boys and i just watched all the videos again and i feel pumped. will hit a coffeeshop for sure tomorrow π
If you're feeling not-creative, get out in nature (hike, take a walk), sit and get a coffee outside with the latest Oprah magazine or another creative magazine, go walk through a Pier One or Crate 'n' Barrel…
I'm betting any one of those things will totally get your creative juices flowing again. =)
wow! Anne-Marie how envious i am of you to be able to tour starbucks like that! thanks for sharing some inspirational messages – especially when I'm feeling rather un-creative at the moment. **sigh**
What fun (and how educational)!
It's a good thing I don't work at Starbucks or I can just kiss my sleep good-bye. :} I'll bet there might be a Clover in Vancouver (we'll be going next month); I'll have to track it down!
No clover in Oklahoma yet :-(…will have to wait to give it a try
Ooooh, new labels? You should post them someplace for us to see and you can brag on them! Fun!
oh and…note to self
search on uber…..
only Anne Marie and one other of my fellow blogger friends uses words i have to wiki..regularly! π
I remember seeing a 60-min special on the founder of Starbucks, about 4 years ago.
Never to forget some of the things he said. Very Very inspiring and a prototype for all of us.
Things that stuck out: when he walked into the coffee shop the first time to sell some kind of gadget (like a coffee maker, or something; he was a vendor), he said he felt like he was "home". His passion was what caused the owner to sell out to him. My guess is that he took full ownership of his boss' corporate vision.
Second thing: part time employee benefits. Imagine that.
Third thing: Everyone in the Bronx or Yonkers or wherever tried to discourage him; refering to his broken family background and history. (So, he got "outta there!")
Forth thing: he pays top dollar for his "beans". Down in South America. Maybe he was referring to Fair Trade. I can't remember why.
Fifth thing: They (in the laboratory) study car trends for tips on cool colors… I love that!
Sixth thing: He charges top dollar for his products.
Seventh thing: Demographics. His corporation is so successful that they can put Starbucks right across the street from each other in some metropolitan areas. I don't think even McDonalds or Burger King do that π
Anyways, what an icon. I'll bet you were thrilled!
I like that Limited Edition….you do the same kind of thing with your fragrances, right?
OK, back to work! I just got back from my graphic designers and I finally have labels…..yippee!!! no more naked unbranded products…. Now to get them to print right π