It turns out that they were selling inferior products using our name, slightly modified. Can you see the bottom is darker than the top? The fragrance is clearly diluted with a diluent, such as DPG. This is a common practice to extend fragrance and dilute it.
The final product ends up weaker or half strength so the user needs to use twice as much. It certainly doesn’t make the initial cheap price seem like a good idea, does it?
The fix for this E-Bay vendor was simple. Since they were selling non-Bramble Berry products on E-Bay on the strength of our trademarked name, we sent a friendly note to ask them to quit using our name to sell fragrances. As for the fragrance? It wasn’t strong enough to do anything with, so it went in the trash.
Yeah, E-Bay vendors come and go and aren’t responsive to customer service issues. I don’t buy from E-Bay for fragrances either now.
I’ve made the mistake of buying FO on ebay from people who were “closing their soap business”, only to find that those same vendors were there a month later with the same offers. Always selling “brand name” oils, but when they arrived, it was nowhere near the quality.
I’ve learned to stop looking for bargains, and stick with reputable vendors.
Oh that’s terrible!!
That is so lame. I can’t believe that they tried to use your trademark to sell products. I respect that you did not give their name out here though. THat was big of you.
I think Brambleberry is key!
I was thinking about fragrance oils last night. I know there are a lot of companies out there that sell fo’s pretty cheap. But, how good are they? I’d rather pay a bit more and have something that holds up. I also love that you guys give us specifics about what works well in cp and what is going to discolor etc.
Thanks for the ebay heads up…think i’ll stay away from them all together.
I don’t think it’s *all* E-Bay sellers that sell diluted fragrances but in this case, it was just such a blatant dilution using our name (!!), I thought the photo and post would be educational.
And, the company in question will eventually get karmic retribution. =) I’m pretty laid back about the situation right now. But, if the name hasn’t changed in a week or so, well…. I might not be so laid back =)
It’s like people don’t want to actually work for themselves… they want to skate by on someone else’s hard work and determination. I hope they stop.
What a scam! I’ve bought oils on eBay twice…and It’s just not for me. There are only two places I go…and the other is just in case BrambleBerry dosen’t have what I’m looking for. 😀
Ugh, I hate people like that. No ethics whatsoever. You tell them Anne-Marie!!! I hope they won’t want to start a fight about it.