We’ve been hard at work on the technology that powers www.brambleberry.com The photo below is a photo of the new look that the Bramble Berry site will be debuting in July (taken with my favorite business tool – the iPhone). In addition to the facelift, it’s a more inuitive site with a better search function, order tracking and a wish list. It will be fun to share wish lists with eachother.

We also have started the process to develop an iPhone app for Cold Process soapmaking. Just like our lye calculator here, the iPhone app will allow you to input your fixed oils and get your sap values from wherever you are. Expect the iPhone app late this summer.
Finally, ELF Industrial is starting to produce the first of the Heavy Duty (Spinning Leaf) soap line next week. I can hardly wait to get those Victorian Hearts back in stock.
I found cool soap calculator for iPhone http://itunes.apple.com/ru/app/soap-calc-pro/id504499021?mt=8 It has automatic soap ingredient balancer.
Thanks for letting me know! I just downloaded it. Can’t wait to try it and see how it compares to the Bramble Berry Soapmaking App (which I LOVE)
Just another vote for one on the Android (G1, etc.) platform! =)
Blackberry + G1 – shopping list check. =)
I'll see how the iPhone app launch goes and see if that helps me get a better idea about demand levels but I love the idea of taking to soaping to all phones! Why should iPhones have all the fun?
Oh please please please get with one of the fantastic open source programmers out there and make one for the Android OS! I love my G1, and you can have it when you pry it from my cold dead fingers 😉 Android phones are really taking off, and an app (even just a simple lye calculator) would be a blessing.
Right now, it's going to be an iPhone native application that also will work on the iTouch but I'll definitely keep the G1 in mind for future iterations of the project.
Thanks for the suggestion!
Hi Anne Marie,I have a G1 phone from Tmobile,most Iphone apps have been made accessible to the G1,It would be great if you guys could look into it.G1's are quite popular!!
Rock and roll! Now I'll enjoy my iPhone even better when I finally get it after my Verizon contract expires (if I can hold out that long). Can't wait to see it!
Very cool! I just might have to break down & get an Iphone!
I'm totally psyched that you guys love the idea. I'm an iPhone fan and am often at home thinking, 'Ugh, I have to power up my laptop just for this recipe! Drats!' and an iPhone app will help so much.
Sweets N Stuff, Thanks for the suggestion. I'll check out the programming costs. You're right; it's a great idea to cover all the smart phones – not just the iPhones.
you should make a blackberry app too ( i don't have nor want an iphone lol yeah i know probably the only person in the world) or just do a mobile site period for all those who would like to access you from their mobiles 😉
Mine! It'll be mine soon as it comes out! Meow! You are feeding an addiction, Missy!
oooh, now I want an iPhone! Wonder if I've been good enough this year for Santa to take pity on me and my old cell phone? 😉
Ok, another reason I just have an iphone !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, you are the best! I recently got myself an iphone and its my new best friend. Can't wait to see what you come up with 😀
you DID listen
you DID hear
you DID answer!!!!!!
thank you thank you
for the wish list……..
for those of us
right brained
attention deficit
no recipe
no list
or if you did make a list
you LOST the list!
or the dog ate it..
or you wrote the list on a receipt and then threw it away.
or you wrote it on your contractor husbands google directions to his 8:00 appt and then sent him down the road on it.
or your 11 year old drew a picture on it and gave it away….
or while you are on the BB site ordering, you click out of a window and the order gets lost and it is 5:30 PM and your nerves are frazzled and then you lose connectivity…and then when you log back in you totally forgot what the Heck you were ordering and why……..that has happened to me on four (4) separate occasions…it really is not fun when it happens.
Thank You for The Wish List!
that will make those of us that fit into the above category
our lives much easier and save on shipping costs….:)
when can anticipated face lift appear?
Are you liking the new mobile site? =)
An iPhone app? Am I still dreaming? Hooray! 😀
I know a few people who are looking forward to those moon and star molds being available again!
An iphone ordering app would be cool….
Did you see we have our mobile site fully optimized for easy ordering now? =)
Order tracking?! Yay!!