I was interviewed for Entrepreneur.com recently on how to create measurable impact and expand your online presence. You can read the article here.
In another wonderful bit of press, Indie Beauty Network highlighted our pioneering work with our Soapmaking iPhone App. They’re even doing a giveaway for two copies of the app here.
Very cool – both your mention in Entrepreneur.com and Donna Marie's review of your app! I wish I had a good biz tip (or any biz tip) to share so I could enter to win one. :}
I keep hearing about Google Analytics…guess it's time I go check it out!
Just read the article.
Valuable info!
I recently started doing interviews on my blog. 🙂
No one ever commented. (Except AM!) But after being frustrated for awhile, I turned to Google, and found out people stealth/anons were indeed reading my blog. A whopping 80 over 2 days! They did not leave comments, but they did in fact read the interview and then venture over into an average of 2.58 other pages on blog. They stayed an average of 2.72 minutes.
One, in fact, was from Bellingham! LOL!!!! xxxooo!
23 were from my very own city(thank God!) (I thought they didn't care!) One person was actually from Brussels Belgium! Imagine that. And 1 from Alaska.
Thank God for Google!
When I get more of a readership, Anne-Marie, I would love to have you too. But I would not waste your valuable time until I get at least 20 more followers or more. What do you think?
That is so exciting, Anne-Marie!
RE: the "app" I am not exactly sure what that means but I am sure it is Big. Some of us are bound at the hip to our office phones 🙂
Alas, we don't do iphones over here! (yet)
Also, I liked the Survey Monkey that you had attached last week.
HOW did you DO that? I mean, attach it to your blog? That was so cool!
I voted once, then twice (ooops)
then I figured I shouldn't vote anymore so I just xxx'd out of the application on subsequent visits.
What did you think of your results?
Let us know!
Wow! Is there anything you can't do? It's so awesome that people everywhere appreciate you for what you do.
Oh my gosh, wow! I'm heading over right now to read the article!!