I came across an incredibly derogatory posting today about me. In the spirit of the Wired’s article on transparency, here is my response to a less-than-positive posting about me. Thanks for Diana from SPU for mentioning it to me.
You’ve got to be kidding me… Quite a business woman, eh? She copied people and their business’, used others (me for one) to get her fragrance suppliers, and of all the fragrance oils out there, hers are by far the cheapest and worst for using in CP soap. Then she brags about owning “at least 10 Coach handbags”. Ew… All I can say is… KARMA, Anne Marie. Yikes!
I was a little surprised to read it since I try really hard to not make enemies. I do my best to lead a personal and business life of integrity. I’m human so I make mistakes but I do the best I can. And, other than one random competitor that we caught in the Bramble Berry warehouse writing down suppliers and another would-be business partner from 10 plus years ago, I can’t really think of anyone that would wish me negative.
The anonymous poster claimed, among other things that I stole their trade secrets, that my products were inferior and derided my love of purses.
The purses thing was kind of a low blow. I mean, what woman doesn’t love purses? But, okay, guilty as charged. I have entirely too many purses (and as long as I’m admitting weaknesses, shoes. I own too many shoes too.)
The rest of the post was just downright strange. The entire thing was a bit eyebrow raising. It’s the first I’ve heard of any concerns that I somehow have stolen suppliers. If my supplies really are inferior, do you think that I’d still be in business 9 years and counting? Plus, if I really stole all the trade secrets from the anonymous poster, how could the supplies be inferior?
Really odd post. It has left me a wee bit befuddled and confused. If someone really feels like I did them wrong, I would think that they would contact me directly to air their concerns with me, not some random anonymous post on a soapmaking board.
So, Sour Grapes, if you’re reading this. Give me a call – I would love to chat – 360.734.8278 about your allegations. I think they’re false. I think you know they’re false which is why I’ve never heard from you, but I’m always open to hearing from people who think I can improve my business or how I interact with people.
Aw, thanks for the support.
My Dad once told me that the way to never get criticized is to never step above the rest, never outpace anyone and to always be not-noticeable.
That seems like a shame but he's probably right. =)
I think she's just jealous of your well-deserved success, Anne-Marie.