Have you seen these Santa soaps strategically placed around the Bramble Berry website? I hope you remember where they are because they could help you with a prize from Bramble Berry! Check out the contest details HERE and find out how to WIN! Then come back to the tutorial and make your own Gnomey Claus Soaps. Can you guess which soap mold we used?
The Clean Up Tool and Injector will be your best friends for this project. Of course, nothing is impossible but without these tools, this project would be close to it.
Buy Everything you need in the click of a button!
Color Key
Santa’s Red: 1/2 cup clear soap base, 35 drops Non-bleeding Red, 1 level mini scoop Merlot Mica, 6 ml Santa’s Spruce.
Boot Black: 1/2 cup clear soap base, 60 drops Liquid Black, 6 ml Santa’s Spruce.
Cane Brown: 1/4 cup clear soap base, 10 drops liquid Brown, 3 ml Santa’s Spruce.
Beard White: 1/2 cup white soap base, 6 ml Santa’s Spruce.
If you haven’t tried Santa’s Spruce yet, you’re missing out on the Christmas experience!
ONE: Use a syringe tool to fill in the face and beard with white soap base including the eyes, eyebrows and ears. Make the layer as thick as you can and don’t worry about “coloring outside the lines”. Once the soap cools, use the clean up tool to scrape away the excess soap.
TWO: Fill in the “hands” with white and let cool.
THREE: Clean the syringe tool and use the black colored soap to fill in the belt and toes of the boots.
FOUR: Fill in the cane with the brown colored soap.
FIVE: Spritz the details with rubbing alcohol and pour a thin layer of red soap (that has cooled to 125-130 degrees), filling in the hat, jacket and pants. Try not to let any red get into the boots but if you do, just scrape it out with the clean up tool once the soap cools.
SIX: Next, fill in the rest of the “boots” part of the cavity. And remember to spritz the toes first and pour at 125-130 degrees.
SEVEN: Spritz with alcohol again and pour another thin layer of red soap over all of the layers (about 1/8″ thick). This layer will bring about more of the red of Santa’s suit.
EIGHT: We have two more layers of soap to go and you get to choose whether you do the white or black next. I tried both and liked the white followed by black. The white brings out the Santa red! Then black ties it all together so you’re not seeing too much white.
Mica Brush Details: Use a fine paint bush to brush on the finer details of Santa. Use the 1982 Blue Mica for his sparkle blue eyes, the Red Blue Mica for his rosy cheeks and nose and the Heavy Metal Gold for his belt buckle.
I love this little guy and the dimension that only “filling in the blanks” can give with the different colors. However it’s very labor intensive if I wanted to make them for my shop. Awhile ago someone on your site provided the gnomes in different colors to print on water soluble paper. Would love to see them in the santa colors instead. (who was that person??) It would be much easier for production then.
I’m mildly struggling with the gingerbread men and the icing but they’ve been selling so I keep making them and the hand is getting steadier! thanks!
Good morning, Paula!
If you have a program like Illustrator you should be able to edit the Gnome PDF to Christmas colors (or any color you would like) for the cute little gnome-like Santas!
We’d love to see pictures of your cute little gingerbread men soap, you can share them with us on Bramble Berry’s Facebook page here:
Happy Soaping!
-Becky with Bramble Berry
P.S. You can also take a look at this soap that someone entered into our Make it Monday: #Christmas Schwag contest that used the gnome mold for a Santa soap:
I have been ssooo waiting to be able to make these cute little guys.
My latest order just arrived. Late, but better late than never. Don’t you just LOVE customs! (Imagine a dripping sarcastic tone of voice with that last statement please.) I ordered everything in plenty of time, Bramble Berry shipped in with plenty of time, then the customs guys held on to it so with that and holiday season arrived late! Guess they liked the way the box smelled, which was very very yummy by the way, so wanted to hold on to it for awhile.
Anyway, family and friends are still going to get the Santa Soap I wanted to give them FOR Christmas, just a little bit late. Hey! I wonder if I do some of them green if I can give them a Santa Soap AND a “Santa Helper” Soap and make some “Elves”!!