The decline of the honey bee population, known as Colony Collapse Disorder, poses a serious threat to our ecosystem. Researchers estimate one-third of all honey bee colonies in the country have vanished. With a wide variety of agricultural crops pollinated by honey bees, the potential impact to our environment and economy is serious.
Unfortunately, the cause of the honey bee population decline remains a mystery. While theories have been posed, more research is crucial to identifying the cause. To aid research, Bramble Berry donates $3.50 for every Save the Honey Bee Mold sold to the UC Davis Honey Bee Research Fund.
As of July, more than $260 has been donated! Bramble Berry will continue to donate to the program every quarter. Not only are these molds supporting a great cause, they make an adorable bar of soap. Scented with Wildflower Honey Fragrance Oil, this project is a great way to get crafty while making a difference.
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