I already have my soaping project for next week! I just got this note from Elsa in Germany:
I hope everything is doing fine over there. Oh! I saw your picture with your husband today at the web page; you make a very nice couple. Congratulations!
I would like to know if if the cold cream soap can be made with the melt and pour process, that is the one I do. I have not seeing the cold cream among the products you offer on the page, and I wonder if it is not one of your preference. Do you have any good recipe on this? Should it be crafted with an specific soap base?
I suspect that making a melt and pour “cream soap” would take either the addition of 10 – 25% oil or maybe 10 – 25% actual cream. I’m going to experiment this week and share next week. If anyone has any hints, feel free to post them for me and shorten my learning curve!
I’m curious about this, too, and will be interested to see what you come up with. I’ve only been m&p’g for about a year but if I start tinkering too much by adding extra oils, the soap doesn’t lather as well. I’ll be curious to see how much cream can be added.
Jeannie Pace
Hi Anne-Marie,
We have a soaper in Australia who adds about 1 tablespoon of cold cream per kilo of Melt & Pour – she loves it!
I’m curious about this as well, or if it’s possible to make a decent cream soap with cold process rather
than having to use potassium hydroxide.
Great blog, BTW! I especially like the “shout out to cool soapmakers’ posts.