Some of you may fondly remember our Sunnybrook Soap Molds. I know I do! I loved using those molds and when the manufacturer went on to follow her life passion of helping others with their health as a colon hydrotherapist in Portland, Oregon, we sadly bid the Sunnybrook Soap Molds ‘adieu’. One of the last parting gifts that Ms. Harder made for me as my very own action figure.

Hahahaha, i can't believe it!! Sooo funny!!
As usual, Anne-Marie, takes the high road and gently addresses a rather rude post from and Anon source. Somethings just don't need to be said. I was raised with, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anythihg at all."
No worries, A-M…you did nothing wrong.
Kelley…Soapies Supplies
Hi All – I'm so glad that you love the action figure as much as I do. It's one of a kind and I adore it.
Anon – I am so sorry I offended you. That was never my intention and I apologize.
Donna Maria – I think that you definitely have your own action figure there! "The Go-Go-Gadget-Indie-Doll" =)
Vanessa – If you wanted to make your daughter her very own doll, I've been told that the soap pot is filled with an industrial glue, giving it the yellow and translucent look.
May I remind you all, that it is a free country and we all have Freedom of speech and are entitled to our own opinions. If you reread that person's post, she/he did not say 'take' 9-11 off…she said other Bloggers remembered it in their posts. She/he also gave AM the chance to explain her actions…Relax, you all are jumping to some pretty big conclusions and adding a lot to that post that was not even written!
First, that doll is adorable. And totally Anne-Marie. What a thoughtful and lovely gift!
Second, I doubt that the "anonymous" poster is a regular Soap Queen reader. Or a longtime member of the indie community. Or a follower of Anne-Marie's Twitter page. All presumptions, of course- but I can't imagine that anyone that's had sustained and meaningful contact with Anne-Marie would describe her as "self-centered." Quite the contrary, as one who has the privilege of knowing A-M, I find her to be refreshing, dedicated, classy and one of the most thoughtful people I know. She did spend the majority of September 11th working to better her community- at a nonprofit board retreat exploring options on how to provide health care for low-income women and families in Washington State. What better way to honor those that lost their lives that day than to work to better your country?
As public figures, we all draw criticism from time-to-time. We do not operate in a vacuum and it's unfortunate that one thing that a peson says or does is pulled out of context and distorted to make it appear as something it's not. As far as I am aware, there's not a "no joy allowed on September 11th" rule. I can only imagine the families of those impacted by the day would be happiest with us reflecting, honoring, and moving on with our lives- especially in such a capacity as you did Anne-Marie.
We all honor and remember that horrific day in our own way, as it should be. We also don't live our lives completely online, so an ommission of something posted on the internet should not be presumed to be an absence of it on our "real" lives. I am thankful that we live in a country where we are free to express ourselves in the venue and at the time of our choosing and I think we'd all be wise to not impose upon others our own ideas of "rightful mourning."
Chin up- you don't owe anyone an explanation with regards to a light-hearted blog post. You're a brilliant business woman with a heart every bit as big as your brain. And I am proud to both know you personally and to do business with Brambleberry.
Please keep posting on whatever days you want. If you have to stop for one, you might as well stop for them all. I have helpfully included a link to them below.
I don't see September 11 on there yet so remember to add that one to your calender lest you offend anyone.
I also found this handy Calender of potentially important Days here:
Sandwich Day, Appleeed Day, Ernie's Birthday, Share a Smile Day, Doctor's Day.
All of these days are important and sacred to someone. I think you should try to not post on any of these either so you don't offend anyone.
(Ps. I'm kidding. YOu know that tho right?)
Anne Marie, I found your blog to be refreshing on a sad day like Sept 11th. Thank you for being you.
Keep 'em coming, I love your blog!
Dear Judgemental Anonymous: Do you think it's possible that each individual has a unique way of honoring and grieving the people and events of 9/11? What other random daily actions are forbidden in your September 11 code of ethics? Would it be so "blonde" to pump gas that day or have a peek at criagslist? Your attack on Anne-Marie shows only one simple truth– you have issues (most likely anger and control).
Anne-Marie you have a huge heart and it's always in the right place. Please don't let this comment bother you at all.
Wow! Bloggers took September 11th off? Better tell some of the other influencial craft bloggers in the blogosphere.
Martha Stewart posted on September 11th about a helicopter ride over France (the French? Doesn't she know how unpatriotic that is on September 11th!?)
Rachel Ray's blog had a post on the first week of school for a 5 year old and the importance of handmade gifts.
Craftzine posted about getting crafty at NY Fashion week, spicy waffles and Argyle Sock Vases (that's not a typo).
My point is that not every blogger took September 11th off. It was a tragic event. It was awful. It was inconceiveable. But, Anne-Marie (and by default, her company) are not the only ones who posted light hearted lite blogs.
It is unfair of you to single her out and malign her, especially anonymously.
I singed up for a Google Account so I wouldn't be 'that person' (I usually just post using Name option). I am a long time reader of this blog and follow your exciting adventures and appreciate all that you do.
Aw, this is so adorable!!! how cool and amazing to have your action figure!! you go daughter wants a doll lol..and dont worry about those negative comments, you know you've made it when you have a dollie and honestly they are hating! It takes energy to write either a great comment or negative comment..
Wow. You post to your blog every day. You always help (way more than any other vendor) yet you are also expected to be better than any other business and quit your usual activities on Sept 11. Did McDonalds quit selling burgers? Did Wal-Mart quit selling? Don't let a sour apple ruin it for the rest of us. We love reading your blog and appreciate all the work you put into it. (I can't log in – Doug Arrowhead)
I want one!
A-M is selfless and after she posted her blog, spent the day doing volunteer work. I agree it's sad that anyone would use 9-11 as a reason to divide or to find differences. I believe we should look for the good things that unify us.
Since I know you personally I know that you don't have a self centered bone in your body. You serve your local community, other businesses and this industry. I think the only thing missing in your action figure is a superwoman cape as you single handedly run a business, serve Bellingham, help whenever there is an industry need, teach, exercise and so much more all while being a loving wife, friend and business woman.
this little anne-marie doll is absolutely a symbol of how you're anything BUT self-centered. Who goes to this effort for somebody who's self-centered and insensitive? NOBODY. AM, you're an amazing women that many people love and respect. Now if only we could all have personalized action figures…
I think it is great. Cant wait to see a series of these cute action figures. As far as the comment about the 11th. I think it is "Tacky" to anonymously.. post a comment on someone blog with a personal attack. That should be personally emailed to the blog poster.
Once again great post and great action figure. Keep up the good work. I will always be a Bramble Berry customer.
I dont have a gmail account otherwise i would post under my name….which is Susan.
it is sad to see one person tear down another in the name of remembering 911. the anon comment does not in anyway reflect the opinion of all Americans after all commercials still ran on tv and radio.
How cool is that? I love it!
Love it! I saw this action figure come through the Indie RSS feed this morning and I said, I must remember to click when I have a moment to see what it is. So, I clicked, and lo and behold, it's A-M! How absolutely adorable! My mind is spinning because someone could make a really cool business out of that. Entrepreneur Action (Anyone?) Now you know I totally want one. But mine would be boring. Me with a laptop, iPhone, video camera, running gear, some Indie Beauty products (of course!), a husband and two kids. Hey, maybe I don't sound so boring after all …
oh my gosh.
i am so sorry.
my heart hurts for a friend
who is always so giving and
helpful and honest and sharing
towards us.
ouch and sorry Anne-Marie.
i know you are woman enough to
take it…..with grace beauty dignity and humility.
This is the coolest – now you need a hit cartoon series to go with your action figure!
I actually think that having this post on your blog on Sept. 11th, was not only tacky…but completely self-centered and inappropriate. Most bloggers took Sept. 11th and used it as a time to think back, remember those who were lost, etc. I want to think, that the date did not dawn on you and you just wrote it, thinking it was just another day, or perhaps you had a 'blonde' moment. I really hope you will respond to this comment Anne-Marie and let me know what you were thinking…otherwise, I will have to reconsider continuing my business relationship with Brambleberry. Thanks….
OH MY so cool where do we find it!
What an amazing gift! I'm with Michelle — my daughter is admiring your action figure and wants one!
LOL!! Too perfect! I think the mini-you is adorable, but what I drool after is the little accessories that come with it. How very creative is that?!
What a darling action figure and soo YOU, A-M. Thanks for sharing!
I am also glad to hear what Rebecca (I think that is her first name..lovely woman) is doing now. I met her years ago and I know she was struggling with health issues then.
I have one of the molds and love it! Great craftmanship.
I love it <3
This is the best gift! How unique and wonderful! I bet you were so happy to receive it. Too cute!!! I want a bunch of those. I can see my daughter playing with a little Anne Marie soap doll 🙂
What a wonderful gift! It is soooo cute!
This is freakin' awesome! I want one! I love the little soap pot, and the mini safety goggles, tehee.
Wow, that's super neat!
That is very awesome!!! she so cute!!!
That is so cute!
Oh my gosh. Now I'm completely jealous.
Ok that rocks! That is very awesome. Is there anywhere we can order our own custom dolls????
Just too frickin' cool! OMG how do we all get one? You do already have that outfit don't you?
I just lost my mind here. This is the greatest thing Ive seen on the internet since Happy Cat. Thank you for making me smile today!
Ok now you need to go out and get that little outfit.
Now you know you are famous!! What an amazing gift!
That is SO cool!!!!
this is prob tmi
but i have always wanted
to go see a hydrocolontherapist.
i heard you feel so good afterwards.
like i said, tmi.
but i don't know i would want to be the one who administers it.
this is much more fun!
Oh My goodness! That is so cool. I wish they were selling them. I think everyone would want their soaping superhero in their studio at all times. I know I would!